My Workshop

The Creative Process Behind My Pipes

Let me take you on a brief tour through some of the steps between the initial design and the finished pipe.

1. It all starts with nature… The raw material. In most cases briar. A fitting block is selected, the grain is examined, the shape is roughly cut on the bandsaw...

2. Then we continue on my old metal lathe. This is where the internal holes are drilled and the mouthpiece is fitted onto the shank. The pipe is also roughly shaped there…

3. The real creative process begins on the sanding disc where the stummel is shaped free-hand. After that I continue to sand by hand with ever finer grit…

4. At this point, the stem or mouthpiece takes shape. It is turned out of rod stock, usually German ebonite. With or without filter, with or without accents made out of ivory, exotic wood, mammoth, or bone… Nearly everything is possible!

5. Final steps are staining the pipe, buffing or polishing pipe and mouthpiece, oiling, and waxing. Finally, the finished pipe receives the maker's mark and is stamped.


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